Player interface language

This option gives you the ability to select the interface language of the player. This allows messages and system menus
appear in the language you are using to create your video game.
You can do this by editing the configuration file 'Entidad3D.ini' changing the value of the idioma_interfaz variable.
This feature is intended to guarantee you the ability to create video games in English to give more international projection
your developments. Obviously the rest of the English content of your game (messages, custom menus, voices, etc ..) must define and
create them in that language.
It's also an option for developers of non Spanish speaking (English, French, German, Italian, etc ..), so that the interface
of the player is not a deterrent to develop a video game with Entidad 3D, at least in English, although Entidad 3D manuals and tutorials are
exclusively in Spanish. But today using online translators (not perfect) you can work quite well with documentation in other languages.